September 18 - November 1, 2019

Reception for the Artist: September 18, 6-8PM

Carlos Fragoso, The Flood, Diptych: Each panel: 72 x 72 inches.

Carlos Fragoso, The Flood, Diptych: Each panel: 72 x 72 inches.

Jason McCoy Gallery is pleased to present Age of Foolishness, a special exhibition of new drawings, a portfolio of prints and a limited-edition artist book by Brazilian artist Carlos Fragoso.

 When reading the headlines of any news or social media outlet on any given day, the blend of highs and lows are nauseating. Natural and man-made catastrophes, achievements, scientific discoveries, as well as exhibits of either human selfishness or selflessness, cruelty or empathy, cascade over us like a deluge. This abyss of information serves as an ample illustration of a social and political climate that harkens back to the past and which Charles Dickens described in his historic novel A Tale of Two Cities 160 years ago, and from which the title of this exhibition was drawn:

 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…

 Inspired by Dickens’ steadfast sentiment towards the human condition, Age of Foolishness brings together a portfolio of prints that was completed in 2012 as a reaction to the Occupy Wall Street movement and a selection of unique works on paper which range in size from intimate to monumental. Fragoso presents us with creatures, part human, part animal, trapped in their uncertainty but with all the potential in the world still intact. These images capture a forlorn sense of foreboding, and the feverish quality in the air that is characteristic of our time.

 Based in Portugal, Carlos Fragoso was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1954. He studied printmaking with Jose Lima in Rio de Janiero, and lithography with Joao Camara in Olinda. Fragoso has shown his work at the Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro and the Museum of Fine Arts, Rio de Janeiro, among others. This will be the artist's first solo exhibition with Jason McCoy Gallery.

For further information, please contact (212) 319-1996 or